Faculty Position Action Request

Use this form for Faculty position requests for:

  • New regular benefit-eligible positions (PCNs 1000-4999).
  • New temporary benefit-eligible positions (PCNs 5000+).
  • Changing and/or reclassing an existing occupied or vacant position (e.g. rank change).
  • Permanent salary changes to existing positions not related to the promotion and tenure process.


  • This form is not to be used to change the number of months or add a stipend to a faculty employee's contract.
  • This form does not replace the faculty recruitment planning process. Find more information about that process here.


  1. Upon submission, the form will route to your division's approvers.
  2. New regular positions, existing position changes, and salary changes will route to the Office of the Provost for review and approval (all except temporary positions).
  3. The form will then route to Budget and Planning for final approval and PCN assignment, if applicable.

Once you receive approval, you can process the action in Bronco Hub or PageUp.