Tri Alpha Leadership

Congratulations upon your induction to

Tri Alpha, Gamma Psi!

Every organization has a set of guidelines that provide an organizational framework. Robert’s Rules of Order and Chapter Officers guide our organization.

Leadership is not about titles, positions or work hours.

It's about relationship.

Jim Kouzes

Please read the Officer descriptions below. Consider nominating yourself for election. No fears or worries – we are learning together. Your voice, your vision and your understanding are critical to our success.

The presiding officer at chapter meetings of Alpha Alpha Alpha. The Gamma Psi president will plan, organize, and carry out responsibilities as the chapter’s chief executive officer.

The Vice President may act in the absence of the president. The main duty of the vice president is to assist the president and other chapter officers in completing their duties. The vice president is as responsible as the president in executing duties and function. It is also the vice president’s job to effectively contribute to the chapter’s operations.

The secretary is the recording officer of the chapter and custodian of records except those which are specifically assigned to the treasurer or historian. The secretary and historian should work closely together to ensure that all records are kept and that both are aware of what the other has maintained. The records are open.

The treasurer is in control of the chapter’s money, its collection, and disbursement. The treasurer is responsible for keeping accurate books that will enable him/her to give a full financial report whenever requested. The treasurer should do his/her best to see that everything is done meticulously so that there are no doubts about his/her integrity. It should be noted that the treasurer’s records always should be open to inspection by the chapter’s officers or advisor(s).

The historian is the steward of the chapter’s history. The historian provides support for the secretary in keeping records of the chapter

Mentors are individuals generous in nature who share experiences, resources and insights, guide and listen.

Mentors support mentees as advocates, advisors.

Check the office or position you are interested in serving. More detailed position descriptions are available.

Contact us at

Thank you.