Faculty Research and Awards

RESEARCH, CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT, AND PUBLICATION - Applications for grants under these headings are due February 10, 2025, 11:59 a.m.

Faculty R&A funds are available to support a wide range of activities, including but not limited to:

  • Direct Research-Related Costs
  • Training and Professional Development
  • Conference Registration
  • Curriculum Design and Enhancement.

If you would like to use your faculty research award to hire a student research assistant please see the student employment website for more information: https://www.pitzer.edu/student-employment/ Faculty cannot pay themselves from R&A funds.

Faculty who have previously received research or publication money from the College must have filed a report on their last grant to be eligible for new funding (FHB Sec. IV. Part G (2.3 b(iii)). If a report has not been filed, it must accompany the application for this funding cycle and should outline how previous funding was used. For this report, faculty may provide a brief description along with a list of papers published, submitted for publication, or presented at conferences. If funds from the previous award have not been exhausted, a final report will need to be filed once the spending on the award is complete.

Faculty may apply for a maximum of $3,000 of Research Funds and $1,000 of Publication Funds over both semesters in an academic year. For visiting/adjunct faculty, award funds must be expended during the period of an active contract and while employed at Pitzer. Please note: new funds will not be available for use until all funds from previous R&A awards have been expended and a final report has been filed.

The review process usually takes 2-3 weeks.

To apply, please include:

  • A proposal of 500-700 words
  • A detailed itemized budget
  • Previous award information, if applicable (please indicate the research activities left to be completed or if that award is to be used for the current project, include information on use of remaining funds in the current budget)

Eligibility: Full-time Pitzer faculty [including those on sabbatical leave and unpaid professional leave] are eligible to apply for funding. Part-time Pitzer and Department of Natural Sciences faculty on Pitzer rotation who have taught 2/5 or more per year during consecutive years are eligible for funds during the year following accumulation of a full year’s equivalent of teaching time [5 courses]. The emerita/us faculty, who are not otherwise receiving funding for research from the College, are eligible for research funds, provided that such awards do not come at the expense of active faculty members in the awarding year.

Travel: Upon completion of travel, a travel report for reimbursement must be filed within two weeks along with itemized receipts.

Spend authorizations can be processed prior to travel. A spend authorization can advance funds for work travel and can be processed after pre-approval for travel is granted and total travel expenses have been estimated.

Click here for a list allowable/unallowable expenses.

If you have any questions regarding permitted expenses, please contact DOFBudgets@pitzer.edu. General information on Research and Awards can be found in FHB Sect. IV, Pt. G2.

If you have any questions or are unable to submit application electronically, please contact DOFBudgets@pitzer.edu.

Budget Management Team

Andrea Harris & Brigitte Garney


Pitzer College | Office of the Dean of Faculty