2024 Homecoming Office Decorating Contest
To fully get into the Homecoming spirit, all offices are encouraged to decorate their space for the Annual Homecoming Office Decorating Contest. This not only helps get your office in the spirit of Homecoming, but also the students, faculty and staff visiting your offices excited!
First place wins a trophy and an office party at a Roadrunners Athletics contest of your choice. Party includes free admission to the game for your staff and their guests with access to the VIP hospitality suite for free food and beverages.
RULES and FAQ's:
- You may begin decorating anytime, but it must be complete by the morning of Wednesday, Sept. 25.
- Judging will take place between 1-3 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 25.
- The winner will be announced by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 25.
- It is the responsibility of the office to purchase decorating supplies.
- Judging criteria includes:
- Creativity (1-low, 5-high)
- Incorporation of Theme (1-low, 5-high)
- Roadrunner Spirit (1-low, 5-high)
- A team of 3 judges will be visiting all participating offices and scoring each, office with the highest score wins