Student Organization Request Form

This is the master form for all Student Organization Requests. Please fill out ALL required fields on this form in order for our staff to assist you. If you have any questions about this form please email

Event Requests still must be submitted through Collegiate Link.

You can submit an event by logging in to Collegiate Link, clicking "Events" under Organization tools of your organization homepage, and then clicking "Create Event" at the top right of the page and following the steps from there.

Instead of using Collegiate Link to submit any request forms for your organizations, The Office of Student Involvement will now be using Smartsheet to help better support our Student Organizations. Please select the actions you would like to perform below and we will review your request and respond via email from if we have any additional questions or concerns regarding your request.

Please note that there is a 1-2 day response time to complete all of your requests!

(Check all the Apply)

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ex),, ect.

If unsure, please email

Requesting Student Organization Budget

If you would like to know the current account balance of your organization, then fill out the information below.

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SGA Funding Request


Funding Policies

1. Only those organizations that have completed the registration process on Collegiate Link & are in good standing are eligible for funding.

2. Awarded funds will not be transferred into your organization's account. Any payment must be done through reimbursement (ONLY purchases under $100) to an organization member or through the use of the university credit card. Your event is required to be approved on Collegiate Link before you can purchase and be reimbursed for your event request items.

3. All receipts for reimbursement and/or invoices must be emailed to the Student Involvement office ( Failure to do so will result in the loss of the awarded funds. All purchases over $100 must be made by the Office of Student Involvement, and reimbursements WILL NOT be granted.

4. Funding submission must be submitted by Sunday at 11:59pm in order to be heard on the Senate floor the same week of the Senate meeting. If the request is submitted after the deadline, it will be deferred to the next weeks Senate meeting.

5. Student Involvement will not retroactively fund an organization.

6. From the date of the event, the organization will have 30 calendar days to submit receipts for the the allocated funds. A receipt must be delivered to Student Involvement within 5 business days of the purchase if using the university credit card. Funds awarded must be used by the student organization for the purposes indicated in the original request of funds.

7. Funding will only be given towards events that are open to the entire campus community. For clarification on this, please reach out to Student Involvement at

8. Funding will not be provided for the following items:

Alcoholic beverages or illegal substances

Gift Cards

Donations to charitable groups or organizations

Events that are not for educational purposes or are not in alignment with the university or Holy Cross mission

Political campaigns

Items that can be obtained from St. Edward's University at no cost

Debts incurred by an individual organization

Organizations do not have any guaranteed funds. The SGA Senate will ultimately vote on the pre-approval of your request. Student Involvement will give the final approval of all funding requests.

Chartered organizations may not request funding from Student Involvement. If you do not know if you are a chartered organization, please contact Student Involvement to find out at

The Student Government Senate will review all requests at a weekly Senate meeting beginning in the middle of September. Before that time, applications will be reviewed by Student Involvement Professional Staff and the Student Government Chief Financial Officer. The Student Government Chief Financial Officer will notify all student organizations of funding allocations or request additional information if needed. The notification of funding allocation or additional information will be sent to those who are listed in the notification section of the application.

Student Government Association CFO will invite a representative of the organization corresponding weekly Senate meeting.

Application Process

Submit an event request on Collegiate Link by creating the event on your organization profile.

Organizations are REQUIRED to know how much money is in their organization's account.

*This can be requested via the Balance Request Form found on the main page of Collegiate Link under Campus Links. You must be on your organization's roster to request.

In order to have a funding request submitted onto the Senate floor, the organization must submit a request more than 14 days (2 weeks) of the event (if any) or the request will not be heard.

An additional meeting with the SGA CFO maybe required should additional information be needed.

The event must be submitted for approval in Collegiate Link prior to submitting this form. If your event has not been submitted, your request will be denied.

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Please provide a brief description of your event. If your event is being held on campus, please share how many people will be present at your event and how you will ensure safety precautions are met.

If you do not know what your balance is, please also request a "Check Student Organization Balance" with your submission.

Organizations can request up to $1,500 per year. Please note that these funds are not guaranteed and are granted on a case-by-case and first come - first serve basis.

(This amount should match the total listed in your line Item budget)

ex. School of Humanities, organization national office, etc.

Combine the total from the previous two questions.

Please explain how the organization plans on using the funds should they be awarded.

The vendors listed here have verified tax-exempt accounts through the University. If possible, please order from these vendors to prevent delays in the ordering process. If the vendor you are using is not listed below, please select "Other"

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Since this is not one of our pre-approved vendors, please also write how you will make this purchase in order to ensure that tax is not going to be charged. Failure to do prior research may prevent approval at Senate.

ex) paying a band performer, guest speaker, etc.

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Vendor Requirements

Your vendor will be asked to complete a New Vendor packet with the University in order to perform their services on campus. After you submit this form, a Student Involvement Staff member will contact your vendor for additional information and to fill out this paperwork. Your vendor must complete this paperwork before your request can be heard at Senate. Please email the completed packet to

Please note that it will take several weeks for your vendor to be added to the system and their payment processed. Please be transparent with potential vendors about the length and requirements of this process.

A vendor contract cannot be signed by a student and must be signed by a Student Involvement Staff member. If you have questions about this process please email or come to Ragsdale 304

If multiple, please put all names here

Please list all emails here, after submitting this request Student Involvement will reach out to your vendor at this email.

Please list all phone number, if unknown please put N/A

Please note that all vendors will have to be approved by Student Involvement prior to your request being heard at SGA Senate

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All line item budgets must include exact links and prices to the items being purchased. Please do not estimate the cost of the items you are requesting or include tax on your purchase. If you have questions about your line item budget, please email CFO David Callier at You can view an example line item budget here

Add/Remove Organization Emails

This form is to do the following:

add members of your organization to your steward's email account, ex.

OR to create a email for your student organization.

OR to remove members from your student organization email account.

They will have shared mailbox access, which means they will be able to access the email from their google email account connected with stewards. You will not have to worry about remembering or saving an email login as we keep this information in our system as a student organization leadership has yearly turnover. This form is to be filled in upon re-registration time or when a change in leadership happens for your organization.

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Please list all emails you would like to add/remove

Apparel Approval Request

All clothing graphics must be approved by Student Involvement. Follow these guidelines and procedures prior to ordering or purchasing apparel:​

All designs should include your organization’s name.​

Refrain from using “SEU” as it does not have strong brand recognition off-campus.​

You may use the university logo; however, your organization’s name may not be in such close proximity that it appears to be one unit/graphic.​

The university logo and spirit mark may be used in accordance with university guidelines. The university seal will not be permitted in the design.​

Designs must not violate copyright or licensing laws, must not be libelous in nature, and must not contain profanity, derogatory comments or images, innuendo, lewd language or suggestive graphics.​

All designs must be reviewed and approved by Student Involvement. We will contact the necessary office on your behalf if you choose to use certain university symbols in your design that require approval from that office.

Club sports no longer needs to fill out this form, everything from now on should be done through RecWell.

Review St. Edward's Brand Policy as well as the university's Apparel and Promotional Items Guidelines to ensure that any design created follows the guidelines set forth by the university.

ex), Canva, etc.

Most Vendors take up to two weeks to process your request. We recommend starting this form up to a month in advance of when you need your items. Please check this box to confirm that you have given enough time to receive your item.

New Organization Notice of Intent

This form will help get you started on creating a student organization. There are three types of student organizations: recognized, sponsored, and chartered. Please reference the Student Organization Manual for a detailed description of each.

Completing this form is the first step in the process and will help you consider your student organization's mission and goals. Once you have completed this form, a representative from Student Involvement will reach out to schedule a meeting with you regarding your proposed organization. In this meeting, the Involvement Coordinator will provide you with further instructions to complete the process of creating a new organization on campus.

Review the Student Organization Manual for an overview of steps for the creation process.

It is important to note that there are reasons why an organization will not be approved to become a recognized organization. The following are examples of the more common issues that the Student Involvement takes into consideration when accepting an organization:

Conflicts with the Mission and Values of St. Edward's University.

Duplication of another current organization on campus.

Student organizations cannot discriminate in membership based on gender, race, religion, color, creed, ethnicity, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or political affiliation.

St. Edward's University does not allow the foundation of churches or parallel Campus Ministry programs on campus.

This is not an exhaustive list, and other considerations might affect approval.

If you have any questions regarding this form, please contact the Student Involvement office at 512-448-8422,, any time between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. We are happy to support you as you strive to enrich our campus community!

This form is NOT to be filled out by an advisor or department. This is the creation process for student-run groups. If your office would like to create a student organization, please use the chartered student organization form.

You need at least three members to start your organization

Do you have an SEU full-time faculty (no adjunct faculty) of full-time staff (no part-time staff) members in mind to potentially serve as your advisor?

If you do not have an advisor, we will help you throughout this process to secure one. We have a list of potential advisors to help you secure one. Please put n/a and we will discuss it in the meeting.

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Purchase P-Card Request

This is the purchase p-card request form. This form must be submitted at least a week in advance before the date of your event.

Club Sports DO NOT use this form, please go through Recreation and Wellness for purchasing needs.

Please note that there is a 1-2 day response time to respond with your purchase request.

We will get back to you as soon as possible. But be sure to include as much information as possible and to check your email if we have questions about your purchase.

ex), HEB, Cabo Bob's

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Your vendor will be asked to complete a New Vendor packet with the University in order to perform their services on campus. After you submit this form, a Student Involvement Staff member will contact your vendor for additional information and to fill out this paperwork. Your vendor must complete this paperwork before they perform any services for your organization. Please email the completed packet to

Please note that it will take several weeks for your vendor to be added to the system and their payment processed. Please be transparent with potential vendors about the length and requirements of this process.

A vendor contract cannot be signed by a student and must be signed by a Student Involvement Staff member. If you have questions about this process please email or come to Ragsdale 304.

Please write the total cost of this purchase(do not included tax as all purchases should be tax-exempt)

Report a Conduct Violation

To file a concern regarding a student organization or to file an allegation of misconduct against a student organization or its members, individuals (faculty/staff advisor, students, organization members, parents, community members, or other parties) complete this form.

The Office of Student Involvement will review the information submitted within 5-7 days. You will not receive an update on the violation unless it directly involves you as an involved party in the incident.

This form is only meant for violations within or around a Student Organization; please fill out a University Conduct Form for all other submissions.

The Office Of Student Involvement will reach out via phone call to learn more about the nature of your submission so they can proceed forward.

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Please include specific room #s if applicable

Poster/Flyer Approval

Student Organizations MUST have an event in Collegiate Link before the flyers/posters/chalking can be approved.

Departments/Offices No longer need to submit this form. However, flyers will be removed if they do not follow our guidelines.

Club Sports no longer needs to use this form, moving forward please go through Recreation and Wellness!

These requirements are for print and digital materials.

Basic Requirements:


Standard size is 8½" x 11."

A blank 2" x 2" space in the bottom right

Corner for the approval stamp

Name of sponsoring group or department and contact information.

For student organization flyers/posters, please create the event in CollegiateLink. The posting request won't be approved until the event has been posted.

Approved postings can only be hung in approved locations across campus.

Do not hang flyers in undesignated areas such as bathrooms, elevators, walls, waste receptacles, trees, or doors.

Please provide at least one week (seven days) before the event date.

Posted materials are limited to one item per activity per posting location.

Must follow St. Edward's University Marketing Policy

Make sure to submit as a PNG file for better quality


Normal Size is 11" x 17"

A blank 2" x 2" space in the bottom right

Corner for the approval stamp

Name of sponsoring group or department and contact information.

For Student Organizations flyers/posters, please create the event in Collegiate Link. The posting request won't be approved until the event has been posted.

Approved posting can only be hung in approved locations across campus.

Do not hand posters in undesignated areas such as bathrooms, elevators, walls, waste receptacles, trees, or doors.

One poster per event may be displayed in Ragsdale Center.

Please provide at least one week (seven days) before the event date.

Posted materials are limited to one item per activity per posting location.

Must follow St. Edward's University Marketing Policy

Chalking (for student organizations only)

Chalking is permitted only on regular sidewalks around campus, i.e., no bricks, asphalt, or the area around the Seal.

Chalking is only permitted on uncovered spaces.

Chalking privileges can and will be revoked if chalk is not removed 24 hours after the event takes place.

To have chalking approved: provide text/art, locations, and dates for proposed chalking to Student Activities at least one week (seven days) before chalking date.

Only materials that have been pre-approved by Student Involvement can be displayed in designated areas. All unapproved materials will be removed and checked daily. Documents can only be posted for two weeks, and then they will be removed by Student Involvement.

Newsletter Submission

If you would like to advertise your organization's events in the Student Involvement Newsletter, fill out this form!

This form will be checked every week to go out in our Monday newsletter.

Your advertisement will be approved when your submission is entered into the newsletter.

In case students have questions about your event, please list an Organization or Department email. Please do not list a personal St. Edward's email address.

Equipment Check-out

For Student Organizations Only!!!

This form is for reserving any Student Involvement equipment for student organization and staff, and faculty.

1) All equipment and resource materials are made available at the front desk at Student Involvement. A valid SEU ID is required.

2) Reservations should be made online at least a week in advance.

3) All equipment MUST be returned within 24 hours of the event ending.

4) Equipment must be properly cleaned, dried, and packed prior to its return. Users will be assessed a cleaning fee for equipment that is returned dirty.

5) Individuals/organizations abusing equipment or not following procedures may be ineligible to use equipment in the future.

6) If checking out equipment for an organization or office, please be aware that the individual signing for the equipment is responsible for all equipment as indicated on the contract and any late, lost, repair, or cleaning fees.

7) PA system fee is all inclusive, specific items (i.e. speakers, microphones, amplifier, and stands) will be charged on an individual basis.

8) Fees for lost or damaged equipment are as follows:

Equipment/Replacement Fee

Topper Tender Machine - $1700

Money Box - $20

PA system - $300

Small Cooler - $20

Big Cooler - $70

6-foot table - $40

folding chair - $35

Yellow Board - $20

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SGA Funding Request - Line Item Budget for all items purchased, click here to see a sample line item budget.

Purchase P-Card - JPEG, PNG or PDF of items to be purchased & total price

Flyer/Poster Approval - JPEG, PNG or PDF of Design to be approved

Apparel Request Form - JPEG, PNG or PDF of Design to be approved

Newsletter Request Form - JPEG, PNG or PDF of Design approved by Student Involvement(must also submit flyer/poster approval)

Email with questions before submitting

Drag and drop files here or