CDBG Community Development Survey

The City of Waltham receives approximately $850,000 a year in federal funding through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and wants your input in how these funds are invested! Note that CDBG funding is federally required to go to projects that benefit low-moderate income residents in our community (defined as 80% of the Area Median Income or lower).

Funds can be used for a wide variety of eligible uses including supporting social service organizations, community infrastructure/capital improvements, housing rehabilitation, and economic development projects.

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Please rank your top three housing related priorities

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Please select your five greatest community development challenges in Waltham

Select or enter value
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Please rank the need for support to non profit/social service organizations from 1 lowest, 5 highest

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Please rank the need for community facilities/parks/infrastructure projects from 1 lowest, 5 highest

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Please rank the need of economic development projects from 1 lowest, 5 highest

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Plase rank the need for low-moderate income home renovation projects from 1 lowest, 5 highest

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 Please rank the need for accessibility improvement projects as low, medium, or high

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Please rank the need for economic development activities as low, medium, or high

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Please rank the need for employment training as low, medium, or high

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Please rank the need for English as a Second Language (ESL) programs as low, medium, or high

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Please rank the need for homeless assistance programs as low, medium, or high

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Please rank the need for home rehabilitation for low-moderate income properties as low, medium, or high

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Please rank the need for mental health services as low, medium, or high

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Please rank the need for parks/playground improvements low, medium, or high

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Please rank the need for public facilities/community facilities/community center improvements low, medium, or high

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Please identify the need for senior citizen programs as low, medium, or high

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Please identify the need for programs for people with disabilities as low, medium, or high

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Please identify the need for services to people who have experienced domestic violence as low, medium, or high

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Please identify the need for soup kitchen/food programs as low, medium, or high

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Please identify the need for street and façade improvements on commercial centers as low, medium, or high

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Please identify the need for substance abuse services as low, medium, or high

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Please identify the need for youth/after school programs as low, medium, or high

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