Conferral Form for Certificate Students

This form will be used by the Registrar's Office and Office of Graduate and Extended Programs. If your computer uses autofill, please double check all answers, especially your "Name on Certificate" as that is exactly how we will order it.

Your 7 digit ASC ID#

Your legal first name

Your legal last name

What name would you like to appear on your certificate. Examples: First Middle Last, First M. Last, First Last

Does your name contain accent marks that you were not able to type? If so, please describe. i.e. accent over e in first name á é ó accent/apostophe ñ tilde ö umlaut â ô caret à è ò accent grave

Enter your advisor's first and last name.

Your advisor will receive a notification that you have submitted the graduation application.

Caret IconCaret symbol
Certificate Expected*

Please provide your current mailing address, including city, state and zip, in case we need to contact you regarding your certificate.

Your current phone number in case we need to contact you regarding your certificate.

Enter your Agnes Scott email address

Non-ASC email address in case we need to contact you regarding your certificate.

Students completing a certificate will be charged a $50 completion fee. The completion fee is a one-time, non-refundable fee that will be added to your account after you submit this form. This fee is required of all students who expect to complete a certificate and must be paid before you receive your certificate. Check this box to confirm that you have read this statement.

Office of the Registrar

Buttrick Hall, room 101B 404-471-6137