Student Research and Award Application
Spring 2025 Application Deadline: 11:59 am, February 10, 2025
Maximum award: $750 per academic year, Fall OR Spring
Each academic year, Research & Award funds are available to assist Pitzer students with research in connection with Independent Study or Senior Thesis projects.
To apply, please submit a clear and concise project description of 500-700 words. You must explain the nature of the project, the methods to be employed, and the results anticipated. All applications must be accompanied by a letter from a Pitzer faculty sponsor and an itemized budget of the total cost of the project, noting the amount you are requesting in this application and the amounts to be received from other sources.
Projects necessary for course work are not eligible for funding, with the exception of independent study projects, senior theses, and other senior projects. The typing and photocopying of theses and term papers are also excluded, as is the payment of salaries or stipends for students who are principal investigators.
Note: Incomplete proposals will not be considered. Proposals involving the use of human subjects or animals must have applications submitted to IRB/IACUC for review or approval at the time of application. Before funds are released, IRB/IACUC approval or exemption must be submitted to DOF Budgets. Requests for participation and consent forms for human subjects research should be designed by the student in consultation with his/her faculty sponsor.
Budget Management Team
Andrea Harris & Brigitte Garney
Pitzer College | Office of the Dean of Faculty