Davis and Doman

Application for Summer Fellowship in the Social Sciences & Humanities

Application deadline: 11:59 am on Monday, April 28, 2025

We are now accepting proposals for fiscal year 2025-2026 for The Doman Social Sciences Research Fund and the Davis Humanities Research Fund for research activities, including direct and research-related cost, training and professional development, conference registration, and curriculum design and enhancement beginning July 1, 2025.

All continuing full-time members of the Pitzer faculty are eligible to apply. For faculty on continuing contracts, awarded funds must be spent before the end of their current contract. Eligible faculty members may apply either for a Humanities fellowship or a Social Sciences fellowship, but not for both in the same year.

Below please find the application form and guidelines.

Awards can be processed as follows:

  • Reimbursement- Receipts must be submitted before June 30, 2026
  • Stipend- Will be issued in July 2025 paycheck
  • Research Assistant funding support- Will be issued in July 2025

**If funds will be used for a student research assistant, faculty must supervise the research assistant throughout duration of the project and also ensure that any requisite training is completed before the research assistant begins work on the project. Please note that research assistants must be continuing Pitzer students.


The scope of support for projects includes, but is not limited to, the study of the following: anthropology, economics, environmental studies, history, linguistics, political studies, psychology, and sociology. Interdisciplinary research is encouraged. Persons undertaking studies in the humanities and natural sciences that have significance for the Social Sciences are also eligible to apply to this fund.

HUMANITIES (Davis Fund) –

The scope of support for projects includes, but is not limited to, the study of the following: language, both modern and classical; linguistics; literature; history; jurisprudence; philosophy; archaeology; comparative religion; ethics; the history, criticism and theory of the arts; and those aspects of the social sciences which have humanistic content and employ humanistic methods. Persons undertaking studies in the social and natural sciences which are historical or philosophical, or which attempt to cast light on questions of interpretation or criticism traditionally in the humanities, are also eligible to apply to this fund.

Award notifications are expected two weeks after the application deadline.

Please include in the Attachment Section:

  • Description of Project: 
  • A brief (500-700 word) description of your project that delineates the theoretical orientation of the project, the methodology, the stage of completion, and what you expect to achieve with this support during the summer.
  • A Detailed Budget
  • CV
  • Please list your publications and conference presentations for the past three years or attach relevant sections of your vita.                             
  • Previous Award Information (If Applicable):
  • Please attach a description of what you have accomplished with your most recent Pitzer summer fellowship, and attach list of paper(s) published, submitted for publication, or presented at conferences that were supported by your fellowship.
  • Human Subjects Information (If Applicable):
  • If your project involves research with human subjects, you must submit an application and receive approval from the Pitzer College Institutional Review Board (IRB) before beginning your research. The application for IRB review and instructions can be found at www.pitzer.edu/irb/. IRB approval must be obtained before any award monies are released or spent.
  • For questions about whether your project requires IRB approval, contact the IRB at irb@pitzer.edu Please note that IRB approval is for a period of one year (see the IRB website for instructions about renewing a project).
  • Animal Testing Information (If Applicable):
  • If you are planning on using any non-human animals in your research (excluding fruit flies), you must submit an application and receive approval from the Keck Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) before beginning your research. IACUC approval must be obtained before any award monies are released or spent. For information, see http://www.kecksci.claremont.edu/research/ and click on Animal Usage Guidelines.

Budget Management Team

Andrea Harris & Brigitte Garney


Pitzer College | Office of the Dean of Faculty

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Stipend- Will be issued in July 2025 paycheck

Reimbursement- Receipts must be submitted before 6/30/26

Research Assistant funding support - Will be issued in July 2025

Select or enter value
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If you have submitted any grant proposals to off-campus funding agencies in the past year, please give: title of proposal, agencies to which submitted, and status of your proposal. If you have not submitted any proposals, please mark N/A.

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Notice for Projects Involving Human Subjects

If your project involves research with human subjects, you must submit an application and receive approval from the Pitzer College Institutional Review Board (IRB) before beginning your research. The application for IRB review and instructions can be found at www.pitzer.edu/irb/. IRB Approval must be obtained before any award monies are released or spent.

For questions about whether your project requires IRB approval, contact the IRB at irb@pitzer.edu Please note that IRB approval is for a period of one year (see the IRB website for instructions about renewing a project).

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Notice for Projects Using Animal Testing

If you are planning on using any non-human animals in your research (excluding fruit flies), you must submit an application and receive approval from the Keck Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) before beginning your research. IACUC approval must be obtained before any award monies are released or spent.

For information, see https://www.kecksci.claremont.edu/research/ and click on Animal Usage Guidelines.

Proposals Should Include the Following:

  • Description of Proposal: a brief (500-700 word) description which delineates the main features of the project and what you expect to accomplish with this support during the summer.
  • Budget: Please attach detailed budget for amount requested
  • CV- Please list your publications and conference presentations for the past three years or attach relevant sections of your vita.
  • Previous Award: If you have received a previous award, please describe what you have accomplished with your most recent Pitzer summer fellowship, and attach list of paper(s) published, submitted for publication, or presented at conferences that were supported by your fellowship.
  • IRB Approval Letter if research involves human subjects
  • IACUC Approval Letter if testing on animals
  • Any other relevant supporting materials
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