Technology Project Request

About Project Requests

Technology Project Requests are collaboratively evaluated, monthly, by the Technology Governance Committee to assure alignment with TSU's mission and vision for the University. The Technology Governance Committee (TGC) is a collaborative team working together to ensure strategic alignment, good stewardship of resources, fiscal responsibility, and sustainable solutions for the University. The TGC does not approve the budget, nor does it commit time, money, or resources for projects. Requestors should follow the budget process as outlined in MAPP 03.03.01 to secure financial support for a project. While we accept ALL project requests, please understand that those projects aligned with the following will receive priority over projects that are not: ∙ Direct alignment to the desired outcomes in TSU's current Strategic Plan ∙ Business drivers that include compliance, regulatory, cybersecurity, or safety ∙ COVID response/need OIT seeks collaboration and partnership, striving to deliver excellence in all we do; proper prioritization and balancing of project load ultimately contribute to the successful delivery of solutions.


Who is requesting this project?

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Is this project a strategic initiative under the Office of the President?
Does this project have the approval of the requestor's Vice President?*

You must have VP Approval to submit a project request

Please note: Project requests aligned with TSU's strategic plan will be prioritized over projects that are not aligned.

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All projects are considered whether or not they have an applicable driver.

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Is this project essential to maintaining accreditation or certification for TSU?*
Does this project replace or automate a current business process or solution?*
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Does this project require the integration of or access to Student Information from Banner?*

How much of the campus will need to be down to facilitate this project.

Select or enter value
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If "yes," please describe and include department and contact that implemented a similar solution:


The following questions support the determination of responsible planning and financial sustainability. Review by the Technology Governance Committee does not approve the budget or commit time, money, or resources for projects. All projects are expected to follow the MAPP 03.03.01 Budget Process.

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Was this project planned in accordance with MAPP for the current budget cycle?*

MAPP 03.03.01:

Include recurring costs.

Does the project require a one-time or recurring cost?*

*Select one-time cost if the total cost is zero dollars.

Is this a request for project/solution discovery in order to obtain a quote for future budget planning?*

Is there anything else we need to know to support the evaluation process?

Drag and drop files here or